Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Ellie Turns 1!

Last March I became an auntie to a beautiful baby girl. My sister, Avery, had her first child, Ellis Noel. "Ellie" turned 1 on March 24th and we had a birthday party for her a couple of weekends ago. It has been so much fun to spoil Ellie over the past year. As the first and only grandchild, she has been the center of attention since her birth. Here are a few pics from her big day:

Mama and the birthday girl

She really enjoyed her cake!

Opening her presents 

Being the oldest of six children, family has always been an important part of my life. Growing up in a full house, life was never dull. I am so blessed to have a family as close-knit as ours and I am thankful for each and every one of my siblings, my parents, and - now - my little niece. I can't believe my siblings and I are at the stage in our lives where we are getting married and having children. But it is an exciting time and I can't wait to see how our future will unfold.

My family - Dad, Mom, Avery, Casey, Travis, Morgan, Joseph, and little Ellie.